Booking: (417) 230-7444

Larry DeLawder
Two-time Instrumentalist
of the Year
See Larry perform as Barney P. Fife
Do you remember one of America’s favorite TV Show’s in the early 1960’s, “The Andy Griffith Show”? And do you remember Barney Fife, the bumbling but dedicated deputy in that sleepy little town of Mayberry NC? We all looked forward each week to see just what Barney was up to. Well this is your opportunity to experience “Barney’s” special humor again!

The Larry DeLawder Family
Music Collection
Larry has always desired to have his family by his side and on the platform in ministry! Larry and his wife, Sara, along with their daughter Faith are traveling full time. Their heart is that their ministry is one where they can use their God given talents to touch hearts, win souls, and minister in whatever way God will use them.
Their oldest daughter Hannah was married in October 2022, coming off the road to be with her husband in PA. The Lord has some amazing plans for them, and we are excited to see that unfold! Be sure to check out their family music projects: “Hymns”, “I’m Ready for a Blessing”, & their latest – “The Final Say”!


Bluegrass Gospel Harmonica

Sunday School Favorites

Living Worship
Pastor Mike and Nita Covalt
Fellowship Bible Church
Spring Mills, PAread more
And spreading the Gospel in song... through out the region.
Mom and Girls have now joined the program to further this Ministry as a Family.
I urge you to pray for this family and use their ministry in your community or Church.read more
Again, THANK YOU! My mom & I needed a night of good clean laughter!read more
Faith did a GREAT job picking out a scarf for my wife for Mothers Day, and Hannah was a pro... with the Square. She seriously should teach lessons to others.read more